!!!Der Ticketverkauf für das Taiko Community
Concert am 14. März hat begonnen!!!

Here we are! Please read the following announcement carefully and learn what to expect from the ELEVEN Gathering, taking place in Hamburg/Germany in March 2020!
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General info
What is ELEVEN Gathering?
ELEVEN Gathering is a 3-day community event taking place in Hamburg and concentrating on the taiko style of Kaoly Asano and Kion Dojo. During the 3 days, most of the time will be spent in workshops with Kaoly, featuring her community piece ELEVEN along with other pieces from Kaoly's huge taiko cosmos.
Part of the Gathering is also a community concert on Saturday evening, featuring Kion Dojo and Kaoly. There will also be the opportunity for YOU to join in on 1-2 of the community pieces including ELEVEN. The concert is not meant to be a huge taiko show with long preceding preparations. Instead the fun of playing together is the focus. There will also be family, friends and local audience present.
After the intense drumming on Friday and Saturday, Sunday will be more relaxed likely including another smaller workshop along with other thing such as the Taiko Film by Ivan Muñoz and an after show party. Details will be finalised a few weeks in advance.
ELEVEN Gathering is right for you if you...
... are interested or fascinated by Kaoly's unique and free approach to playing taiko
... want a more concentrated and intense experience with one teacher, instead of smaller units with many teachers
... would like to learn and perform (optional) ELEVEN and perhaps another of Kaoly’s pieces
... want to join a great international bunch of taiko fans and produce a BIG sound together
Who is Kaoly Asano?

In case she needs any more introduction, here you are:
Kaoly comes from Tokyo and is within the world of taiko probably one of the most innovative artists, bringing the art form to new and unheard of levels. Her way of incorporating many different musical influences and combining them to a performance, that captures broad audiences worldwide is a very special talent only few people have. Not only through her performances, but also through a record of teaching thousands of taiko students in her school Tawoo Dojo in Tokyo over the course of over 20 years and more recently all over the world, she inspires people of all ages and backgrounds with her message „love, peace and joy“.
Her professional performing group, GOCOO, has been acclaimed by artists of other genres, such as Bob Geldof and Quincy Jones, who have invited GOCOO to perform at their own festivals.
Kaoly and GOCOO were included by Newsweek in their all time top 100 list of Japan's heroes, challengers, pioneers and icons. „Their borderless sound, a mix of rock and ethnic music from around the world, is cherished by international audiences".
Kaoly's abilities should be seen far beyond just teaching and performing music. She shows a deep understanding of human nature in both her teaching and performing, and has unique ways to express our feelings, thoughts, and humanity through her art and her message.
Don't ask any more questions... 🤭
What is ELEVEN?
ELEVEN was born in the year 2011 after a huge disaster had hit Japan, taking many lives. This piece is huge and it transmits much more than a "nice choreography" and intense rhythm. Please read Kaoly's message regarding ELEVEN.
During the last couple of years, Kaoly has been teaching ELEVEN to many people over the world moving them in many ways. Recently, participants at the kaDON Retreat in Wisconsin/USA have experienced Kaoly's power, learning how to express their own through playing ELEVEN.
At ELEVEN Gathering we will bring all of these previous ELEVEN events together on to one stage!
What/who is Kion Dojo?
Kion Dojo is a partner dojo of Kaoly's Tawoo Dojo in Tokyo and it's the place to go to for a modern and unique approach to taiko in Europe. The school was founded by Ingmar Kikat in 2006 after he had lived in Japan and had studied taiko with Kaoly and her dojo. Since then Kion Dojo has done countless weekly taiko classes, workshops and performances in Germany and Europe. In the recent years Kion Dojo has become more and more involved with the European taiko community. In 2018 and 2019 the European Taiko Conferences took place in Hamburg, Kion Dojo has hosted their own festival "KionSai" and groups of Kion Dojo have performed at taiko festivals like the UK Taiko Festival and Taiko Spirit. Kion Dojo also offers workshop weekends for experienced players -> GROOVE COOKING.

event Details
Fee and conditions
Festival ticket: 180 € (inluding 19% VAT)
What is included?
- At least 2 workshops (2-3 hours each) with Kaoly. Depending on the overall planning of the schedule and if more spaces are available, we will assign you to more workshops!
- Concert rehearsals for the community pieces
- Concert participation (watch & play) for Saturday evening
- Taiko Film screening
- After show party (snacks and drinks)
- additional program t.b.c., changes might occur
What is NOT included?
- Accommodation! We are sorry we cannot provide a place to stay for you for this festival, please have a look at our recommendations for places to stay down below (following)
- Food! (Exception: Snacks and drinks at the after show party.) Please take care of your own food during the festival. It would make the planning so much more complex, if we would try to provide food for all of those people. We will prepare a guide for where to get affordable and good food nearby!
- Anything that one could associate with the word "boring"
- The festival ticket includes everything mentioned above and we cannot give you refund in case you cannot take part in all of the program (you arrive late on Friday or have to leave early on Sunday as an example).
- We will assign you to workshops taking your preferences into consideration as much as possible.
- The number of participants is limited, so you will be accepted in the order of registration. There will be a waiting list if you are late to the game.
- When your fee is paid, your registration is confirmed. If you must cancel, and we can pass your place on to someone on the waiting list, you will receive a full refund. Cancellation deadline for a full refund is February 13, 2020. After that, the cancellation fee will be 50%.
- There will be quite some drum movement necessary during the festival. Please help us with all the loading stuff and we will be very very thankful!
How registration works
- You register through the form below (jump directly to the form here)
- Payment information will be sent to you on/after January 7 (in the meantime: 🎄🎁🎆)
- Please pay within 3 weeks after receiving the info to secure your space
- Your're in!

Rough Schedule
Details will be released in good time before the Gathering. At present the draft schedule is as follows:
Friday 13th
Workshops beginning at 12:00, concert rehearsals in the evening
Saturday 14th
Workshops beginning at 9:30, concert rehearsals in the afternoon, concert in the evening 🎵
Sunday 15th
Smaller workshop in the morning 😴, Taiko Film 📽 and after show party 🍻, ending approx. 18:30
Registration Status
Most parts of the festiival will take place in the "Jugendmusikschule Hamburg", which is conveniently located in the city centre of Hamburg, accessible by bus and subway.
Staatliche Jugendmusikschule Hamburg, Mittelweg 42, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
🚇 Subway: U1 Hallerstraße
🚍 Bus: Alsterchaussee
Other parts of the the festival, mostly on Sunday will happen in Altona and in Winterhude, both easily accessible by subway. We will provide you with detailed info once the schedule is finalised.
Accommodation options
Participants at earlier Kion festivals in Hamburg have stayed at these places:
Alpha Hotel St. Georg
This is located on the opposite side of the Alster lake, but you can either take the subway U1 from the nearby Hauptbahnhof or take a nice walk across the Alster to the Jugendmusikschule. -
Motel One
Also in St. Georg and close to subway U1. -
Hotel Marco Polo
This also isn't really next to the festival location, but you can also hop on to the subway U1 easily here and reach the festival within 20 minutes. - Boarding House
- Hanse Quartier
There are plenty of other places also. Please also check AirBNB and similar options! If we can, we'll try to help you find a place to stay!
Join Slack!

After you have registered we will send you an invite to the Slack workspace eleven-gathering.slack.com (if you have checked that box in the form).
We will use Slack as a communication tool for posting event updates, exchange between participants and anything else instead of email. Slack is a private group only for people who are invited by email, other than Facebook. There are apps available for every platform: https://slack.com/intl/de-de/downloads
In order to take part in Slack, after we have send you the invitation, then you must download the app (or use it in the browser on desktop) and create a Slack account with a password.
In case you don't join Slack, we will send you the most important updates by mail, but you won't be getting the other communication in between.
In case you haven't gotten the invitation mail yet (check your spam please), please ask us to add you: info@kion-dojo.de